Facts About Fading

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Solar Control Film - One Way Vision

ALL PROTECTION TINTING receives a number of enquires regarding one-way vision. We would like to explain two of the main reasons why people use reflective (mirrored) film.

One Way Vision - Internal Offices

Roll of Window Film TintAn interview room is a prime example of this type of application. The purpose is to allow observation to be conducted without the person in the room being aware of it.

To achieve this one-way effect the lighting in the room being observed needs to be brighter than the light in the viewing room, ideally a ratio of 7:1.

Where the lighting levels are insufficient to achieve a 7:1 ratio there are a number of methods of achieving the desired outcome.

PLEASE NOTE: The light levels of these rooms is almost impossible to control if there are external windows.
If this is the case natural light should be blocked using blinds or block out film.

Mirror Film For General Privacy

Reflective mirror film applied to highriseMany commercial and domestic customers request a film which gives daytime privacy without limiting the view of the outside.

Application of RS20 will provide this assuming the internal lighting is seven times brighter than the external environment.

PLEASE NOTE: As the light levels outside change with the time of day the effect with be reversed, i.e. if a light is on inside and it is dark outside. Therefore passers by will be able to see in and a mirrored effect will be seen from the inside. The application of RS20 will alter the aesthetics of the building and produces a mirror effect.

All Protection Tinting Pty Ltd


Introducing Solar Control Window Film

Window Film Challenges Climate Change

Donation to the Salvation Army

Window Film Against Warming